Exercise 2


1) What is the Dunham texture classification for the carbonate rock in the image?

Correct! Wrong!

2) What are the voids filled by calcite spar?

Correct! Wrong!

3) In what type of depositional environment do these voids form?

Correct! Wrong!

4) What is the Dunham/Embry & Klovan texture classification for the carbonate rock in the image?

Correct! Wrong!

5) What are the rounded skeletal grains?

Correct! Wrong!

6) What is the Dunham texture classification for the carbonate rock in the image?

Correct! Wrong!

7) What are the grains in the image?

Correct! Wrong!

8) Identify the type of cement binding the grains

Correct! Wrong!

9) What is the Dunham/Embry & Klovan texture classification for the carbonate rock in the image?

Correct! Wrong!

10) Identify the type of cement binding the grains:

Correct! Wrong!

Exercise 2
This is a recap of your answers. Red = wrong anser Green= right answer